Sunday, May 3, 2009

Before And After . . .

This weekend, my church celebrated 10 years of following hard after Jesus, looking back at all He has done and realizing that He’s only begun. In one short decade, He has used Quest Community Church to bring over 5,500 people from death to life. From 60 people meeting in a hotel banquet room to building a 2,500 seat worship center to make room for more. It’s fairly obvious to me that He’s only begun, and it’s completely undeserved privilege that allows me to live this life.

In the midst of it all I began to reflect on all God has done in my own life. My heart has been transformed, my soul has been redeemed, and my life is irrevocably no longer my own. I barely resemble the man I was 3 years ago:

I used to be so fearful and insecure. Now, I’m becoming a barbarian for Jesus as I learn more of who I truly am in Christ

I once dreamt of fame and prestige. Now, my dream is to make Jesus famous, and it is my honor to serve Him unreservedly.

My heart used to break because I felt forgotten and insignificant. Today, my heart is absolutely undone at the thought of his lost kids, for the ones who don’t yet know Jesus the way I now know Him.

Before, I needed to understand absolutely everything, and got so frustrated at the realization that I couldn’t. Now, I know that I understand absolutely nothing - and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

My question used to be, “God, would You do _________ for me?” No more. I now ask, “God, what do You want me to do for You today?” And, I find that my answer to Him is yes, even before He answers my question.

I had big plans for my life, and none of them have come into being. Now, my only plan is to follow Christ, day by day, step by step - and things are actually happening. Things that I would never have imagined, even if you would have told me. (Habakkuk 1:5)

I spent years trying to earn the love of everyone, including God. Now, I realize that I am so dearly loved by God for no other reason than that He made me. I know this because he sent his only boy to die just so that I could know Him. That love is all that matters, and there’s not a thing I can do to earn it. It is freely given without reservation, and I have gratefully, joyfully received it.

I love my church, I love Jesus who rescued me, and I love this life I get to live, even in the hard things. Sounds crazy, I know, but it’s the best life I’ve ever found, and there’s no turning back.

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