Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Rules . . .

I just watched the NCIS season finale. This is easily one of my favorite shows. Great stories, good mystery with liberal doses of comedy thrown in . . . just great stuff. The finale tonight dealt a lot with Gibbs’ rules. This list numbers into the 50’s now, and it’s basically Gibbs’ code of conduct; how he approaches life, what he’s learned through experience, etc. Simply put, if you know the rules, you know the man.

Gibbs’ rules are interesting. They range from the practical (#2 – Always wear gloves at a crime scene) to the borderline paranoid (#40 – If it seems someone is out to get you, they are), from instructional (#7 – Always be specific when you lie) to what can only be learned the hard way (#12 – Never date a coworker). A new, almost philosophical rule was added tonight: #51 – Sometimes, you’re wrong.

So, all this talk of rules of conduct got me to thinking; what rules do I live by? What is my code of conduct? The easy. Sunday-school answer is “well, the Bible, of course!” The problem with that is twofold: 1) the Bible is 66 books of direction on how to live. Very few people that I know of have memorized the entire thing and can recall specific verses on a moment’s notice. 2) No one can possibly live up to everything in the Bible every day. (Romans 3:23 – For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of His glorious standard.) In light of this, I’ve decided to compile my own list of rules. I’m sure this will take some time to bring together, but I already know rule #1: It’s always about people.

C. S. Lewis said, “You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” And, elsewhere, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal.” We are all eternal beings in temporary homes. Our bodies will wither and die (I know, pleasant thought, isn’t it?), but our souls will go on for eternity. It’s our souls that make us who we are. Our bodies only contain us. So, doesn’t it make sense to invest in something eternal over something temporary? Possessions will break and become obsolete when the “next big thing” comes along. Bones break, bodies get sick, and eventually go back to the dust from whence they came. But the spirit, the soul . . . these will exist from this realm into the next.

This is why my 1st inviolable rule is what it is. It always has to be about people, because Jesus was always about people. Just read through the New Testament. Everything he said and did was an investment in the lives of people so that they could spend eternity with Him. Jesus knew that this earthly life is not the beginning and end of it all. This is just a blip on the radar in the grand scheme of things. I want to be about what Jesus was about, and that boils down to one word: people.

How about you? If you were to compile a personal list of rules, what’s #1?

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